Friends of Lake Turkana (FoLT) is an indigenous,women-led organization that works with and for communities within the greater Turkana basin to demand collective social, economic, cultural, environmental, and territorial justice

Our work covers Turkana and Upper Marsabit counties in Kenya. We work in partnership with communities across the region to safeguard and defend the rights and resources of pastoralists, indigenous people and local communities.

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Our Mission

To foster participation of indigenous communities to achieve social economic, cultural, political and environmental justice.

Our Vision
We envision a future where collective rights of communities are recognized and their territories secured, and communities in the Turkana basin are empowered to manage and govern their resources sustainably. 
Our Values:
  1. Recognation of traditional knoledge systems
  2. Respect for diversity
  3. Free prior informed consent
  4. Complenentary and reciprocity
  5. Solidality and building alliances
  6. Self determination
Our Approach:
  1. Participatory Research 
  2. Public interest litigation and legal aid
  3. Amplify indigenous led solutions
  4. Support grassroot movement building
  5. Increase and strengthen internal capacity to support well-being and the implementation of the strategic framework.

Our History

08 Feb 2013

The Beginning

Through support of friends, family, and community, Ikal led efforts to demand for the protection of Lake Turkana which was facing destruction from the construction of the Gibe III dam and other upstream developments on the Omo-Turkana basin, whose impacts would destroy lake Turkana,the peoples livelihoods and our national heritage, which would exacerbate conflicts, increase food security and irreversibly destroy critical ecosystems. Working with and as part of the community, we questioned the intelligence of financiers standing behind the controversial dam that was threatening the livelihoods of half a million indigenous people in both Kenya and Ethiopia. Our efforts bore fruits, with the pulling out of the European Investment Bank (EIB), which had considered financing the dam's electrical and mechanical equipment, The African Development Bank which wanted to give a loan for the electro-mechanical equipment of the plant and the World Bank, which dropped out just before pursuing a full feasibility study of the dam in 2008.

08 Feb 2013

New Finacing

 The Chinese
While other financiers saw the light, The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) took the bait and approved a loan for the Dam in August 2010. In September 2012, the China Development Bank (CDB) signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ethiopia Sugar Corporation for another loan for the construction of sugar factories in the Lower Omo Valle

Community petition to parliament

Championed by the community and supported by FoLT, Survival International, The Campaign for the Reform of the World Bank, Counter Balance coalition, International Rivers and other environmental and human rights organization groups from around the world, a petition was launched to stop the destructive Gibe 3 dam, which was signed by over 400 organizations worldwide

The court case

In 2012, we filed a case in court challenging the government of Kenya’s move to buy electricity from Ethiopia, a move which deprived community members living within the Lake Basin off their constitutional rights to life and dignity

The Ruling

While the court could not prohibit the government of Kenya from entering into further agreements with the Ethiopian Government relating to the proposed purchase of 500MW from Gibe III, the court did declare that the community’s right to information was violated when information on the power purchase and other impacts of Gibe III were withheld. The court affirmed that the government of Kenya has a duty to disclose all relevant information to the community. The court called on the government to ensure that no environmental harm arose from the agreements and projects with the Ethiopian government while attesting to the government’s obligation to protect and conserve the environment and ensure sustainable use of natural resources.
Following the ruling, FoLT has continued to demand better management of Lake Turkana, while also wholly pushing for investors, developers and the government to disclose contracts, agreements, ESIA reports and other relevant information on projects within the community to promote transparency and accountability

Gibe 4 and 5

Since the filling of the Gibe III Dam, which was completed in 2016, water levels in the Lake have dropped by approximately 1.5 meters. With Ethiopia’s plan for two additional dams, Gibe IV and Gibe V, further reduction is expected, with dire harmful effects to the Lake’s ecosystem. While the Ethiopian government holds that the dams will not adversely affect the communities, we continue to push for independent Environmental and Social Impact Assessments to be done that examine the cumulative impacts of the new Gibe dams


Presented as development, the sugar and cotton plantations in the Omo Basin have not only led to state-sponsored human rights violations in Ethiopia but, continue to put the communities living within the Omo-Turkana Basin, both in Kenya and Ethiopia at risk of losing their livelihoods. Through abstracting water for irrigation, the plantations are already depleting the Omo river influx into Lake Turkana. As the lake level falls, the water's salinity and temperature increase. These changes threaten the habitat, breeding grounds, food sources for fish stocks and grazing areas along the lake’s shoreline. Increased salinity and runoff containing pollutants from pesticides and fertilizers used on the crops could also increase health risks of the lake water used for human consumption. The lack of significant and timely intervention continues to threaten our community’s livelihood and identity.

Present Day Struggle

We remain persistent in our fight for the lake, pushing for the stop of additional destructive projects along the Basin, demanding for the monitoring of the filling of the dams and following up on international efforts such as engaging UNESCO to maintain the endangered status of Lake Turkana until both countries show implementable and effective mitigation measures. In our broader sphere of work, our resolve is strong and our fight unrelenting, as we continue to boldly push for our vision of secured territories, an empowered community and sustainable resource governance within the Greater Turkana Basin

Friends of Lake Turkana
P.O Box 515-30500 Lodwar

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